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Lenders make a fortune from you staying with them after the initial offer expires. DON'T DO IT!!!!


Over the lifetime of a £200,000 mortgage a regular switcher is likely to save over £32,500.


Switching can be complex, but that is what we specialise in.


Saving money Many of the best mortgages only last a short time – often two to five years – the typical length of time offered on a fixed rate, tracker or discount mortgage.

When it comes to an end, your lender will put you on its bog standard variable rate (SVR). It's likely to be significantly higher than your old interest rate and far worse than thousands of other available offers.


Borrowing more money This may sound like a backwards step but if you have any credit card debts you can pay them off at a much lower interest rate by using a mortgage. Alternatively if you have a project or home improvement you want to carry out, a remortgage is the perfect time to get those extra funds.


Property has gone up in value This means the percentage of the property you own is higher, and you should be able to get a better deal as a result.


You have the wrong mortgage Maybe your circumstances have changed and you want to pay more, or less, for longer, or maybe shorter. With well over 10,000 different offers on the market, your perfect mortgage will be out there.


Assuming there are no early repayment charges you may need to sign some extra paperwork and send us information on your finances.


That's it.

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